What is the area of the rectangle shown below?

Top of the rectangle: (6x - 5)ft
Left side of the rectangle: (3x + 10)ft

A. (18x^2 - 45x - 50) sq. ft
B. (18x^2 + 45x - 50) sq. ft
C. (18x^2 - 50) sq. ft
D. (18x^2 + 50) sq. ft

To find the area of a rectangle, we multiply the length by the width.

The length of the rectangle is given by the expression (6x - 5) ft.
The width of the rectangle is given by the expression (3x + 10) ft.

Therefore, the area of the rectangle is (6x - 5)(3x + 10) sq. ft.

To simplify this expression, we can use the distributive property:
(6x - 5)(3x + 10) = 6x(3x + 10) - 5(3x + 10)
= 18x^2 + 60x - 15x - 50
= 18x^2 + 45x - 50

Therefore, the answer is option B. (18x^2 + 45x - 50) sq. ft.