name four response system for plants and animal

1) Nervous system: This response system is found in animals and helps them communicate and respond to various stimuli in their environment. It is responsible for generating and transmitting electrical impulses that coordinate movement, behavior, and sensory perception.

2) Circulatory system: This response system is found in both plants and animals. In animals, it helps transport oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other vital substances throughout the body. In plants, the circulatory system, known as vascular tissue, transports water, nutrients, and sugars to various parts of the plant.

3) Immune system: This response system is primarily found in animals and is responsible for protecting the body against infections, diseases, and other harmful substances. It involves a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to identify and neutralize foreign invaders.

4) Hormonal system: This response system is found in both plants and animals. In animals, it involves the production and release of various hormones that regulate growth, development, metabolism, and reproduction. In plants, hormones help regulate growth, flowering, and responses to different environmental stimuli.