You have only $150 spending money this week. You put $36.64 worth of gas into your car. You spend $67.41 at the grocery store. Do you have enough money to get an oil change for $32.99? Write and solve an inequality to solve this problem.

Let's represent the amount of money you have left after the gas and grocery store expenses as "x".

We know that you start with $150 and subtract the expenses:

x = $150 - $36.64 - $67.41


x = $45.95

To determine if you have enough money for the oil change, we need to check if x is greater than or equal to $32.99:

x ≥ $32.99

$45.95 ≥ $32.99

Since $45.95 is indeed greater than $32.99, you have enough money to get an oil change.