*... [The] said Cooper Hughs Freedman with his wife...are to work on said farm and to cultivate forty acres in com and twenty acres in cotton, to assist in putting the fences on said farm in good order and to keep them so and to do all other work on said far

m as reasonably required by the said Cooper Hughs Freedman's employer. They shall work diligently and faithfully, for which they shall receive fair and just compensation. Furthermore, they shall abide by all laws and regulations pertaining to farming and labor.

Both Cooper Hughs Freedman and his wife shall work in harmony, supporting each other in their assigned tasks. They shall collaborate with other workers on the farm, maintaining a respectful and cooperative environment. Any disputes or conflicts that may arise shall be resolved peacefully, without causing disruption to the farm's operations.

In addition to their farming duties, Cooper Hughs Freedman and his wife shall be responsible for maintaining and repairing the fences around the farm. They must ensure that the fences are in good condition, providing security and protection for the farm's livestock and crops.

If any other tasks are required for the proper functioning of the farm, Cooper Hughs Freedman and his wife shall undertake them diligently. This includes tasks such as maintenance, repairs, and general upkeep.

Failure to comply with these obligations or any breach of the agreement may result in appropriate consequences, including termination of employment. However, both parties should strive to communicate and resolve any issues amicably before resorting to such measures.

This agreement between Cooper Hughs Freedman and his wife, and their employer, aims to establish a mutually beneficial relationship based on trust, respect, and cooperation. Both parties shall work towards the success and prosperity of the farm, ensuring its productivity and sustainability.