A typist can type 76 words per minute. They started an essay and already have 100 words on the page. Create a linear equation, and use it to determine how many minutes would be needed to type a 2,000-word essay from where the typist is currently starting.

Let x be the number of minutes needed to type the 2,000-word essay from where the typist is currently starting.

The typist types 76 words per minute, so in x minutes they will be able to type 76x words.
They already typed 100 words, so the total number of words typed so far is 100 + 76x.
The typist needs to type a total of 2,000 words, so the equation is 100 + 76x = 2,000.
Solving for x, we subtract 100 from both sides: 76x = 1,900.
Dividing both sides by 76, we get x = 25.
Therefore, it would take the typist 25 minutes to type the 2,000-word essay from where they are currently starting.