Based on the tree map from question 6 and what you have learned in the class, evaluate which innovation (Steamboat, Eerie Canal, or the National Road) was the most impactful at this time. Please provide 2-3 examples of evidence in a 4-5 sentence response using the RADD method (restate, answer, detail, detail. Must be in the student's own words.

Use words from the question, except the W words.

Use words from your head to make an inference.

Use a good transition and a
"quote" from the text.

Use a good transition and a
"quote" from the text.

Tree Map From Question 6

Steamboat: The first engine-powered vehi-cle. It sped up travel by water immensely at this time

Eerie Canal: It connected the Great Lakes to the Hudson River in New York. It made travel West by boat

The National Road: The first federal infrastructure project. It made travel West by wagon easier.

Based on the tree map and what we have learned in class, the most impactful innovation at this time was the Eerie Canal. The Eerie Canal made travel West by boat much easier and efficient. According to the tree map, the Eerie Canal connected the Great Lakes to the Hudson River in New York. This allowed for goods and people to be transported from the Midwest to the East Coast more quickly and cost-effectively. Additionally, the Eerie Canal opened up new markets and opportunities for trade and commerce. It also led to the growth of cities and towns along its route. These factors demonstrate the significant impact of the Eerie Canal during this time period.