What is point of view

The authors perspective on a series of events
The way a character develops over time
The way a narrator sees and experiences events
The order in which events unfold

Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is told or narrated. It determines how information, events, and characters are presented to the reader. Point of view can be first person, third person limited, third person omniscient, or second person.

The author's perspective on a series of events refers to how the author sees and interprets the events they are writing about. This can influence the tone and overall message of the story.

The way a character develops over time refers to their growth and changes throughout the course of a story. This can include their emotional, psychological, and moral development, as well as any changes in their values and beliefs.

The way a narrator sees and experiences events refers to the way the narrator perceives and understands the events they are describing. The narrator can vary in how reliable or biased they are, which can affect the reader's understanding of the story.

The order in which events unfold refers to the chronological sequence of events in a story. This can be linear, with events happening one after another in a straightforward manner, or it can be nonlinear, with events occurring out of order or through flashbacks and flash-forwards. The order in which events unfold can affect the reader's comprehension and interpretation of the story.