angle EFD is 90 degrees because its a right angle I also just calculated that angle def is 30 degrees this means the measure of angle EDF is

60 degrees.


The sum of the angles in any triangle is always 180 degrees. Since we know that angle EFD is 90 degrees and angle DEF is 30 degrees, we can calculate the measure of angle EDF by subtracting the sum of the other two angles from 180 degrees:

180 degrees - 90 degrees - 30 degrees = 60 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle EDF is 60 degrees.

why is angle 1 60 degrees.

Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. Without a specific diagram or additional information, I cannot accurately determine the measure of angle 1. The value of angle 1 would depend on the given information or the specific properties of the figure being referenced. Please provide more context or details so I can assist you better.