The radius of a circle is 75 mm. What is the approximate area of the circle? Write your answer to the tenths place. Use 3.14 for π .(1 point)


To find the area of a circle, we use the formula A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius.

Plugging in the given radius of 75 mm into the formula, we get:
A = 3.14 * (75)^2

Calculating this expression, we get:
A ≈ 3.14 * 5625

A ≈ 17662.5 mm^2

Rounding to the tenths place, the approximate area of the circle is:
A ≈ 17662.5 mm^2. Answer: \boxed{17662.5 \text{ mm}^2}.

it is 17662.5 its correct