
Use what you know from your reading and explain how the Scopes Trial was a reflection of the 1920s cultural clashes and evidence of a changing society.

(4 points)

The Scopes Trial, also known as the "Monkey Trial," was a landmark court case that took place in 1925 in Dayton, Tennessee. The trial demonstrated clear cultural clashes and provided evidence of a changing society during the 1920s.

Firstly, the Scopes Trial reflected the clash between traditional values and the emergence of modern ideas. At the heart of the trial was the controversial topic of evolution being taught in schools. In the 1920s, many conservative Americans held strong religious beliefs and saw evolution as a direct challenge to their traditional Christian values. This clash between traditional religious views and the acceptance of scientific ideas highlights the cultural tension that existed during this time period.

Secondly, the Scopes Trial showcased the conflict between rural and urban America. In the 1920s, there was a growing divide between rural, traditionalist communities and urban, modernist communities. The trial took place in a small, rural town, highlighting the conservative beliefs held by many rural Americans. In contrast, the trial garnered attention from the national media, drawing in urban, progressive voices advocating for the teaching of evolution. The clash between the conservative rural values and the progressive urban worldview further emphasized the societal changes happening during the 1920s.

Furthermore, the Scopes Trial was evidence of a changing society through the shifting roles and rights of women. The prosecution team, led by William Jennings Bryan, held conservative views on women's societal roles and their limited involvement in public affairs. On the other hand, the defense team, led by Clarence Darrow, expressed more liberal views on gender equality. Darrow even called Bryan to the stand and questioned his beliefs, challenging traditional gender norms and promoting a more progressive society. This clash of ideas surrounding women's roles in society reflected the ongoing changes in societal norms and the growing push for gender equality during the 1920s.

Overall, the Scopes Trial was a reflection of the cultural clashes and evidence of a changing society during the 1920s. It represented the clash between traditional values and modern ideas, the tension between rural and urban America, and the shifting roles and rights of women. These factors demonstrate the transformative nature of the 1920s and the societal changes that were taking place.