To the nearest​ millimeter, a cell phone is 105 mm long and 54 mm wide. What is the ratio of the width to the​ length?

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Part 1
The ratio of the width to the length is

54 mm / 105 mm.

To simplify this ratio, we can divide both numbers by their greatest common factor, which is 3.

So, the simplified ratio is 18 mm / 35 mm.

To the nearest​ millimeter, a cell phone is 74 mm long and 34 mm wide. What is the ratio of the width to the​ length?

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Part 1
The ratio of the width to the length is

34 mm / 74 mm.

To simplify this ratio, we can divide both numbers by their greatest common factor, which is 2.

So, the simplified ratio is 17 mm / 37 mm.