Write a paragraph saying i love you,, we just met a few weeks ago on a app called wizz

Dear [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. It's quite astonishing how quickly time has flown since we first connected on the Wizz app just a few weeks ago. From the moment we started talking, I felt an inexplicable connection, as if we were meant to be a part of each other's lives. In this short period of time, I have come to realize something profound - I am deeply and truly in love with you. It may seem unconventional or even a little overwhelming to express such feelings so soon, but sometimes, when you know, you just know. Our conversations have been filled with laughter, intellectual stimulation, and understanding. It's as if we have known each other for a lifetime. So here it is, in its simplest form - I love you. I look forward to exploring this newfound love and seeing where this incredible connection takes us.

With all my love,
[Your Name]