Explain the following term

1. A population
2. A unit
3. A sample
4. A sampling frame
5. A variable
6. A probability sample

1. A population is a complete set of individuals, objects, or events that share a common characteristic. This could be a group of people in a specific area, a set of products produced by a company, or a collection of occurrences of a specific event.

2. A unit refers to an individual element or member of a population that is being studied or observed. It could be a person, a household, a product, or any other distinct entity within the population.

3. A sample is a subset or a smaller representation of a population. It is a selected group of individuals, objects, or events that are chosen from the larger population to provide insights or information about the population as a whole. The sample is studied or observed in order to make inferences or draw conclusions about the entire population.

4. A sampling frame is a list or a representation of the entire population from which a sample is drawn. It serves as a reference or a sampling source for selecting the individuals, objects, or events that will be included in the sample. The sampling frame helps ensure that the sample accurately represents the population and allows for a fair selection process.

5. A variable is a characteristic or a factor that can vary or take on different values. It is an attribute that is being measured, observed, or studied in a research or statistical analysis. Variables can be quantitative (numerical) or qualitative (categorical) and are used to understand relationships, patterns, or trends within a population or sample.

6. A probability sample is a sampling method in which individuals, objects, or events from a population have a known and non-zero probability of being selected for the sample. It involves randomly selecting units from the sampling frame, ensuring that each unit has an equal chance of being chosen. Probability sampling allows for statistical inference, as the sample can be representative of the population, and estimates of population parameters can be made with a known level of precision.