Compulsive Hoarding

What Is a Hoarder?
A hoarder is a person who accumulates objects and keeps them for future use. Most people like to collect a thing or two of sentimental value. Some collect photographs, stamps, books, movies, or music. However, some people hoard excessively. According to psychologist David Tolin, two to five percent of Americans may meet the criteria for being compulsive hoarders. The problem is more common than people may think.
The Reasons for Hoarding
Compulsive hoarders have a difficult time getting rid of items that the average person considers to be trash.
Hoarders find their possessions, even objects such as junk mail, too valuable. They become attached to certain objects and have trouble letting go of them. Hoarders also assume that things most people easily throw away might be useful someday. Thus, hoarders become a burden to both their families and communities. They can even pose serious health risks to themselves and others.
The Problems with Hoarding
Compulsive hoarding is problematic because hoarders are unable to function like regular people. Collecting too much stuff can leave little space for cooking, cleaning, getting around, and even sleeping. The vermin and mold that gather around the hoarded material pose health risks.
However, the worst problem that hoarders have to face is dealing with family members and friends. Family members and friends often do not know how to help hoarders. As a result, many of these relationships are strained.The Help Hoarders Need
Most hoarders do not see their unusual behavior as a serious problem. Because hoarders see nothing wrong with their behavior, they rarely seek help. Often, disgruntled family members attempt to help and seek assistance for the hoarders. Because hoarding is a serious problem, the help needed to break the habit needs to be substantial. Hoarders need help to understand that their collections are simply clutter and often a health risk. They need to understand that trash, like a used Band-Aid, should carry no sentimental value and is not worth keeping.
Which sentence from the passage is an opinion?
• A. According to psychologist David Tolin, two to five percent of Americans may meet the criteria for being compulsive hoarders.
• B. The vermin and mold that gather around the hoarded material pose health risks.
• C. However, the worst problem that hoarders have to face is dealing with family members and friends.
• D. Some collect photographs, stamps, books, movies, or music.

C. However, the worst problem that hoarders have to face is dealing with family members and friends.