before unlimited talk and text bonnie used to pay 40$ per month for her cell service plus 0.10 for each text messages she sent. one month bonnie had a 76.50 cell phone bill. write and solve an equation how many text messages bonnie sent that month

Let x be the number of text messages Bonnie sent that month.

The cost for text messages that month is 0.10x.
The total cost of her cell service is $40.
So her total bill is $40 + $0.10x.
We are given that her total bill that month was $76.50.
So we have the equation:
$40 + $0.10x = $76.50
Subtracting $40 from both sides:
$40 + $0.10x - $40 = $76.50 - $40
$0.10x = $36.50
Dividing both sides by $0.10:
($0.10x)/($0.10) = $36.50/($0.10)
x = 365
Therefore, Bonnie sent 365 text messages that month.