what 4 precautions should people take if they live near an active volcano

Living near an active volcano can be risky, and it's crucial to take proper precautions to ensure your safety. Here are four precautions that people should consider if they live near an active volcano:

1. Stay informed and follow official updates: Keep yourself updated about the volcano's activity through official channels such as local government websites, geological institutes, or volcano observatories. Follow their advice and guidelines regarding evacuation plans, evacuation routes, and other safety measures.

2. Have an emergency plan: Create a detailed emergency plan for your household. This plan should include procedures for evacuation, communication, and essential supplies. Make sure all family members are aware of the plan and practice it regularly. Identify multiple meeting points and learn how to shut off utilities if required.

3. Prepare an emergency kit: Assemble an emergency kit with essential supplies that can sustain you and your family for at least several days. This kit should include non-perishable food, drinking water, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, a battery-powered radio, masks, goggles, sturdy shoes, and extra prescription medications. Keep the kit readily accessible and make sure it is periodically updated.

4. Protect yourself from volcanic hazards: Take necessary measures to safeguard against the various hazards associated with volcanic activity. Be aware of potential outcomes such as lava flows, ashfall, pyroclastic flows, and poisonous gas emissions. Use masks to protect against ash inhalation, cover valuable electronics to protect them from ash damage, and avoid outdoor activities during increased volcanic activity or hazardous weather conditions.

Remember, it is essential to listen to local authorities and follow their recommendations during volcanic emergencies.