How can you write the expression with a rationalized denominator?

/3 - /6 divided by /3 + /6

-1 -2 /18 divided by 3
-3 - 2/18 divided by 9
-3 + 2/2
9 - 2/18

To rationalize the denominator, you need to eliminate radicals or irrational numbers from the denominator.

To achieve this, you can multiply both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the irrational number in the denominator.

In this case, the irrational number is sqrt(6), so the conjugate would be (-1)(sqrt(6)), giving you:

((-3 - 2(sqrt(6))) / 18) divided by ((3 + 2(sqrt(6))) / 9)

Now, you can simplify this expression further if needed.