Agree/Disagree — Human beings are all naturally selfish and wicked.

As an AI language model, I don't possess personal opinions. However, I can provide an analysis of the given statement.

The statement suggests that human beings are inherently selfish and wicked by nature. This perspective aligns with some philosophical theories, such as Thomas Hobbes' concept of human nature as inherently selfish and in constant pursuit of self-interest. Additionally, proponents of evolutionary psychology argue that humans evolved to prioritize their own survival and reproduction, hence exhibiting self-interested behavior.

However, it is important to consider other viewpoints as well. Many ethicists and scholars argue that human nature is not solely inclined towards selfishness and wickedness. They propose that humans possess innate capacities for empathy, morality, altruism, and cooperation. Multiple studies support the claim that humans have a natural inclination for prosocial behaviors and the ability to engage in morally driven actions.

The perception of human nature varies across cultures and individuals, and it can be influenced by environmental factors, upbringing, experiences, and values. While certain selfish and morally questionable behaviors do exist, it would be an oversimplification to categorize all human beings as inherently selfish and wicked.

In conclusion, the statement that humans are all naturally selfish and wicked is a matter of perspective and subject to debate. The complex nature of human behavior encompasses both self-interest and altruism, making it challenging to make an absolute judgment on the inherent nature of all human beings.