From what you know now, what might you be able to surmise about Bejing Opera?

The goal of Bejing Opera was similar to ancient Greek drama in that they sought to teach lessons on humanity and citizenship.

The goal of Bejing Opera was more about entertainment than delivering any kind of moral message.

Beijing Opera is a traditional Chinese art form that combines music, singing, dance, and acrobatics. It originated in the late 18th century and became popular during the Qing Dynasty. It is characterized by its elaborate costumes, stylized movements, and use of exaggerated facial expressions. Typically, Beijing Opera tells stories from Chinese history, folklore, or classic literature.

Based on this information, we can surmise that Beijing Opera has similarities with ancient Greek drama in terms of its aim to teach lessons on humanity and citizenship. It suggests that Beijing Opera may have thematic elements that explore morals and virtues, much like Greek dramas often did.

However, it is also important to note that Beijing Opera is primarily an art form meant for entertainment. It focuses on delivering a visually stunning and exhilarating performance rather than emphasizing explicit moral messages. While it may have underlying themes and lessons, the primary purpose of Beijing Opera is to captivate and entertain the audience through its vibrant visuals and skillful performances.