Two sides of a triangle measure 3.7 and 8.2. Apply the Triangle Inequality Theorem to find a possible measure of the third side.(1 point) Responses 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 3.5 3.5 4.2

According to the Triangle Inequality Theorem, the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third side.

Therefore, to find a possible measure of the third side, we can add the lengths of the two given sides:

3.7 + 8.2 = 11.9

So, a possible measure of the third side could be 11.9.

However, none of the provided options matches this answer.

Choose one of the options

Based on the given options, the closest value to the sum of the lengths of the two given sides (11.9) is 11.9. Therefore, the possible measure of the third side could be 11.9.

However, the option 11.9 is not provided.

Among the given options, the closest value to 11.9 is 11.5. So, a possible measure of the third side could be 11.5.