complete the equation so that it has infinite solutions.

4x + 10= __x + __

In order to have infinite solutions, the equation must simplify to a statement that is always true.

Given equation: 4x + 10 = __x + __

To make the equation always true, we need to make the left side and right side of the equation equal to each other.

So, let's choose any number for the blanks that will satisfy this condition.

If we choose x = 10, then the equation becomes:
4(10) + 10 = 10 + ___
40 + 10 = 10 + ___
50 = 10 + ___

To make this equation always true, we can choose any number for the blank as long as it satisfies the equation 10 + ___ = 50.

For example, if we choose the blank to be 40, the equation becomes:
50 = 10 + 40

This equation is always true, regardless of the value of x. Therefore, by choosing x = 10 and filling the blanks with 10 and 40, we have an equation with infinite solutions.