
On a scale drawing, 1 centimeter represents 2 meters. What length on the drawing should be used to represent 3.2 meters?

1.6 cm

6.4 cm

0.8 cm

3.2 cm

To find the length on the drawing that represents 3.2 meters, we can set up a proportion.

Let x be the length on the drawing that represents 3.2 meters.

We can set up the proportion:

1 cm / 2 meters = x cm / 3.2 meters

Cross-multiplying, we get:

2 meters * x cm = 1 cm * 3.2 meters

Simplifying, we have:

2x cm = 3.2 cm

Dividing both sides by 2, we get:

x = 1.6 cm

Therefore, the length on the drawing that represents 3.2 meters is 1.6 cm.

So, the correct answer is 1.6 cm.