how do i put my around my girlfriendslyly

It sounds like you are looking for advice on how to show affection towards your girlfriend. Here are some suggestions:

1. Communication: Talk openly and honestly with your girlfriend about your feelings. Make sure she knows how much you care about her.

2. Physical touch: Hug her, hold her hand, or put your arm around her when you are together. Physical affection can express your love and make her feel secure.

3. Surprises: Plan surprise dates or small gestures that will make her feel special and loved. This could include bringing her favorite flowers or preparing a romantic dinner.

4. Active listening: Show interest in what she has to say. Ask questions and actively listen to her thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This will make her feel valued and cared for.

5. Quality time: Dedicate time solely for her. Engage in activities you both enjoy or simply spend time together doing nothing. It's the quality of time that matters.

6. Compliments: Offer genuine compliments to make her feel beautiful, intelligent, or valuable. This will boost her self-esteem and strengthen your bond.

Remember, every individual is different, so it's important to understand your girlfriend's preferences and boundaries. Communication is key to building a strong and healthy relationship.