what is the maximum possible distance that can be drawn between mars and neptune in the scale model, hint: two plants are as far as possible when they are directly opposite sides of the sun from each other draw a picture with plants as far as as far as possible

In a scale model, the maximum possible distance between Mars and Neptune can be determined by considering their distance from the Sun. Since Mars is closer to the Sun than Neptune, they will never be directly opposite sides of the Sun from each other. However, we can still draw a diagram illustrating the distances between Mars, Neptune, and the Sun.

Let's assume that the distance between the Sun and Mars in the scale model is 1 unit. According to NASA, Mars is approximately 1.52 astronomical units (AU) away from the Sun on average. For the scale, we can represent Neptune as x units away from the Sun (where x > 1.52 AU).

Here is a simple diagram illustrating the scale model distances:

SUN ------ 1 unit ------ MARS ------------ x units ------------ NEPTUNE

The distances in the scale model may vary depending on the chosen scale, but this diagram represents the general idea.

Remember, in reality, the distance between Mars and Neptune is constantly changing due to their respective orbits around the Sun.