How did Jesus's teachings reach so many people in the early Roman empire? (1 point)

One possible answer could be that Jesus's teachings reached many people in the early Roman Empire through the efforts of his disciples and early followers. After Jesus's crucifixion, his disciples, such as Peter and Paul, began spreading his teachings and the message of Christianity across various regions of the Roman Empire. They traveled widely, establishing communities of believers and evangelizing both Jews and Gentiles. Their efforts were aided by the extensive network of Roman roads and the Pax Romana, which facilitated travel and communication across the Empire. Additionally, the appeal of Jesus's teachings, which offered hope, redemption, and a personal relationship with God, resonated with people who were disillusioned with the Roman gods and the oppressive Roman regime. The conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine to Christianity in the 4th century also played a significant role in the widespread dissemination of Jesus's teachings.