There are 18 green blocks in a bag. There are three white blocks for every two green blocks, which proportion can be used to find W the total number of white blocks in the bag

To find the total number of white blocks in the bag, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let W be the total number of white blocks.

According to the given information, there are 3 white blocks for every 2 green blocks.

So we can set up the proportion:

3 white blocks / 2 green blocks = W white blocks / 18 green blocks

Now we can cross multiply to solve for W:

(3/2) * 18 = W

(3 * 18)/2 = W

54/2 = W

27 = W

Therefore, the proportion that can be used to find the total number of white blocks in the bag is:

27 white blocks / 18 green blocks.