Why are invasive species such a huge threat to ecosystems?(1 point)


Invasive species can do intense damage, so much so that ecosystems may not be able to recover.
Invasive species can do intense damage, so much so that ecosystems may not be able to recover.

Invasive species can replace native species, forcing their migration out of the area.
Invasive species can replace native species, forcing their migration out of the area.

Invasive species provide no added benefit or diversity to the ecosystem.
Invasive species provide no added benefit or diversity to the ecosystem.

Invasive species are impossible to control once they are introduced and spread rapidly.
Invasive species are impossible to control once they are introduced and spread rapidly.
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Invasive species have the ability to outcompete native species for resources such as food, water, and habitat. This can lead to a decline in biodiversity and disruptions to the functioning of ecosystems. Invasive species can also introduce new diseases or parasites to native species, which can further harm their populations. Additionally, invasive species can alter the physical structure of ecosystems, such as by changing soil composition or disrupting natural fire regimes. All of these factors contribute to the significant threat that invasive species pose to ecosystems.