What does a relative price compare?

(1 point)

the price different sellers ask for the same good

the price different sellers ask for the same good

the price that buyers pay to the price that sellers ask

the price that buyers pay to the price that sellers ask

the price of one good or service to another

the price of one good or service to another

the price that a seller wants to pay to the price that the seller actually pays

the price that a seller wants to pay to the price that the seller actually pays

The correct answer is:

- the price of one good or service to another

How does scarcity affect customers?

(1 point)

Limited money forces consumers to make choices.

Limited money forces consumers to make choices.

Limited time prevents customers from making decisions.

Limited time prevents customers from making decisions.

Limited numbers of producers force customers to be loyal.

Limited numbers of producers force customers to be loyal.

Limited wants and needs limit customers to small purchases.

Limited wants and needs limit customers to small purchases.