Edward had a total of 140 red and blue balloons at first. 30 blue balloons and 5 red balloons burst. He had 25 more blue balloons than red balloons that did not burst.

(A) What percentage of his total number of balloons burst?
(B) How many red balloons did not burst?

To find the total number of balloons that burst, subtract the number of blue balloons that burst from the total number of blue balloons and the number of red balloons that burst from the total number of red balloons: 30 balloons + 5 balloons = <<30+5=35>>35 balloons

To find the number of blue balloons that did not burst, subtract 25 from the number of blue balloons that burst: 30 balloons - 25 balloons = <<30-25=5>>5 balloons
To find the total number of balloons, add the number of blue balloons and red balloons: 140 balloons
(A) To find the percentage of balloons that burst, divide the number of balloons that burst by the total number of balloons and multiply by 100%: 35 balloons / 140 balloons * 100% = 25% of the balloons burst
(B) To find the number of red balloons that did not burst, subtract the number of red balloons that burst from the total number of red balloons: 140 balloons - 35 balloons = <<140-35=105>>105 balloons. Answer: \boxed{105}.