what do i do in a situationship that doesnt want to date because we are going to 2 difference colleges

In a situationship where both parties are going to different colleges and one person does not want to date, it is important to communicate openly and honestly about your desires and expectations. Here are some suggestions on how you can navigate this situation:

1. Have a conversation: Initiate a conversation with the other person to discuss your feelings about the situation. Share your thoughts, concerns, and what you envision for the future. See if you both can reach a common understanding.

2. Respect their decision: If the other person does not want to date due to the long-distance and different college situation, it is important to respect their decision. Understand their reasoning and consider it genuinely.

3. Evaluate your own feelings: Reflect on your own feelings and needs. Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable continuing the situationship without any commitment or defined expectations. It is important to prioritize your own emotional well-being.

4. Set boundaries: If you decide to continue the situationship, it is important to set clear boundaries and expectations from the beginning. Discuss what both of you are comfortable with in terms of communication, exclusivity, and future plans.

5. Avoid expectations: When entering a situationship, it is crucial not to expect the other person to change their mind about dating once you go to different colleges. Understand that situationships are often temporary and can naturally come to an end.

6. Focus on personal growth: While navigating this situationship, it would be beneficial to focus on personal growth and your own future. Concentrate on your studies, making new friends, and discovering new interests. This can help you maintain a balanced perspective in the situation.

7. Keep communication open: Throughout the college experience, maintain open communication with the other person. This will allow both of you to stay connected and keep each other updated without placing any emotional pressure or expectations.

Remember, situationships can be tricky to navigate and maintaining open communication is key. Ultimately, it is essential to prioritize your own emotional well-being and make choices that are aligned with your personal values and long-term goals.