YouTube algorithm depends on shares of your channel

While shares of your channel can certainly play a role in the YouTube algorithm, they are just one factor among many. The YouTube algorithm is complex and takes into account various metrics to determine which videos to promote and recommend to users.

Some of the key factors that influence the YouTube algorithm include:

1. Watch Time: YouTube wants to keep users engaged and watching videos for as long as possible. So, the more watch time your videos generate, the more likely they are to be promoted in the algorithm.

2. Engagement: YouTube values engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares. They indicate that your content is resonating with viewers and encourages further promotion.

3. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of people who click on your video when it appears as a recommendation is an important metric. A higher CTR suggests that your video is compelling and relevant, leading to more algorithmic promotion.

4. Viewer Preferences: The algorithm takes into account the viewing patterns and preferences of individual users. It will recommend videos that align with a user's past viewing habits and interests.

5. Video Metadata: Optimizing your video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails help YouTube understand the content of your video and promote it to the right audience.

6. Channel Authority: The overall performance and authority of your channel also affect the algorithm. Consistently uploading high-quality content, building a loyal subscriber base, and having a positive history on YouTube can all contribute to your channel's authority.

While shares of your channel can demonstrate audience interest and potentially boost your visibility, they are not the sole determinant of success in the YouTube algorithm. It's important to focus on various aspects such as watch time, engagement, CTR, and metadata optimization to maximize your chances of algorithmic promotion.