Identify 2 themes in the great gatsby

1) The corruption and decadence of the American Dream: One of the main themes in The Great Gatsby is the exploration of the American Dream and how it has been corrupted by materialism, greed, and the pursuit of pleasure. The characters in the novel, particularly Gatsby himself, are driven by the desire to attain wealth and status, believing that these things will bring them happiness and fulfillment. However, Fitzgerald portrays this pursuit as ultimately empty and destructive, as the characters find themselves trapped in a cycle of hedonism, deception, and dissatisfaction.

2) The illusion of social class and identity: Another major theme in the novel is the idea that social class is not necessarily fixed or based on true merit, but rather is often an illusion created by appearances and wealth. The characters in The Great Gatsby constantly strive to present themselves as members of a higher social class than they actually are, using their wealth, possessions, and extravagant parties to create an image of success and prestige. However, underneath this facade, many of the characters are deeply flawed and morally bankrupt. The novel ultimately suggests that the American Dream is a facade and that true fulfillment and authenticity cannot be found through material wealth or social status.