can you giveme some examples of acids and alkali please?

acids: acetic acid (vinegar), citric acid (lemons, etc), battery acid (sulfuric acid), cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate), etc.

alkalis: I prefer to call them bases. baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), lye (sodium hydroxide), lime (calcium hyroxide), etc.

i don't care !

acids = fizzy drinks (i.e coke...)

apple juice

alkalis = soap
baking soda
oven cleaner
indigestive tablets

Certainly! Acids and alkalis are two types of compounds that are commonly encountered in everyday life. Acids have a sour taste, turn blue litmus paper red, and can react with certain metals to produce hydrogen gas. Alkalis, on the other hand, have a bitter taste, turn red litmus paper blue, and feel slippery to the touch.

To find examples of acids, you can look for substances that exhibit these properties. Some commonly known acids include:
1. Vinegar (acetic acid): Found in most households, it is commonly used in cooking.
2. Lemon juice (citric acid): It is found in citrus fruits and adds a tangy flavor to food.
3. Battery acid (sulfuric acid): Found in lead-acid batteries and is highly corrosive.
4. Hydrochloric acid: A strong acid found in the stomach, aiding in the digestion process.

For alkalis, you can find them in various cleaning agents and certain foods. Here are a few examples:
1. Sodium hydroxide: Commonly known as caustic soda, it is used in cleaning products such as drain cleaners and oven cleaners.
2. Ammonia: Often used as a cleaning agent and found in some household products like glass cleaners.
3. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate): Found in most kitchens, it is used in baking and can also be used as a mild cleaning agent.
4. Antacids: These over-the-counter medications contain alkaline compounds like magnesium hydroxide or calcium carbonate, which help to neutralize excess stomach acid.

Remember, it's important to exercise caution and follow safety instructions when handling acids and alkalis, as some can be harmful or corrosive to the skin and eyes.