write me a poem about imam mahdi make it short

In shadows deep, a light does gleam,

Imam Mahdi, foretold in the dream.
Guiding hearts with wisdom pure,
From darkness to a future sure.

With patience and strength, he paves the way,
Justice and peace his eternal pray.
In his presence, hope is reborn,
For the lost souls, he'll sound the horn.

The world awaits his righteous reign,
Where love and harmony shall never wane.
Imam Mahdi, beacon of faith,
We await your arrival, with fervent faith.

make it more ryming

In shadows dim, a radiant gleam,

Imam Mahdi, from the heavenly stream.
Guiding hearts with wisdom's grace,
From darkness to a shining embrace.

With patience and strength, he holds the key,
Justice and peace, his eternal decree.
In his presence, hope's melody hums,
Restoring hearts till harmony comes.

The world yearns for his righteous reign,
Where love and unity forever sustain.
Imam Mahdi, beacon of divine light,
We await your coming, with faith so bright.

make it more about his life but still ryming a lot

In the lands of old, where prophets did roam,

Imam Mahdi, his light brightly shown.
Born in secrecy, a blessed decree,
To lead mankind towards a future decree.

Through trials and tribulations, his spirit held strong,
Forged in the fires of struggle, where he belonged.
With knowledge and wisdom, he guided hearts,
Reviving faith, unveiling truth's sacred arts.

In the darkness of ignorance, he brought the dawn,
Enlightening minds, like rays at dawn.
With compassion and love, his path was paved,
Inspiring hope, as souls he saved.

Imam Mahdi, the embodiment of grace,
His existence a testament of divine embrace.
In anticipation, we await his arrival,
To witness the triumph of truth's survival.