How do people know that ancient Greek dramas and comedies were influential?

There are several reasons why people know that ancient Greek dramas and comedies were influential:

1. Historical records: Ancient Greek dramas and comedies were written and performed during a time when historical records were kept. These records provide evidence of the popularity and influence of these plays. Ancient Greek playwrights like Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes were widely acclaimed and well-documented in historical writings.

2. Survival of texts: Many ancient Greek dramas and comedies have survived to this day. These texts have been studied and analyzed by scholars for centuries, providing insights into their themes, structure, and impact on society. The fact that these plays have been continuously performed, translated, and adapted over the centuries is a testament to their enduring influence.

3. Influence on later drama: Ancient Greek dramas and comedies laid the foundation for Western theater and have influenced dramatic literature and performance in later periods. Their concepts of tragedy, character development, plot structure, and thematic exploration have shaped the works of subsequent playwrights, including Shakespeare, Molière, and more contemporary playwrights as well. This influence can be seen in the continued popularity and adaptation of ancient Greek plays in modern theater.

4. Influence on society and culture: Ancient Greek dramas and comedies were not just entertainment; they played an essential role in ancient Greek society and culture. These plays often explored philosophical, moral, and political themes, providing a platform for dialogue and reflection on the human condition. They offered social commentary, addressed societal issues, and provided a means for catharsis and emotional release for the audience. Their influence extended beyond the theatrical realm and shaped the way ancient Greeks thought about themselves and the world around them.

5. Academic consensus: Scholars of classical literature and theater have extensively studied ancient Greek dramas and comedies. Through their research, they have established a consensus regarding the influence and significance of these plays. The academic community widely acknowledges the impact of ancient Greek theater on subsequent theatrical traditions, literature, and cultural practices.

Overall, these factors together contribute to the knowledge and understanding that ancient Greek dramas and comedies were highly influential in their time and continue to be influential in contemporary cultural and artistic expressions.