Which statement identifies a major effect of the causes shown in the diagram?

(1 point)

conquest of Central America

conquest of Central America

unification of the empire

unification of the empire

rise of first Andean cultures

rise of first Andean cultures

devastating civil wars

The statement that identifies a major effect of the causes shown in the diagram is the unification of the empire.

What archaeological evidence taught scholars about the culture of the Mississippians?

(1 point)

housing complexes built into the side of cliffs

housing complexes built into the side of cliffs

kayaks designed to hunt animals over long distances

kayaks designed to hunt animals over long distances

large earthen mounds built for religious purposes

large earthen mounds built for religious purposes

totem poles decorated with animal symbols

The archaeological evidence that taught scholars about the culture of the Mississippians is the large earthen mounds built for religious purposes.

Which of the following statements best describes Mayan cities?

(1 point)

They were built on islands in lakes.

They were built on islands in lakes.

They grew up mainly in the highlands.

They grew up mainly in the highlands.

They had relatively few buildings.

They had relatively few buildings.

They had pyramids and palaces in their centers.

The statement that best describes Mayan cities is that they had pyramids and palaces in their centers.

How were the religion and the government of the Maya connected?

The religion and the government of the Maya were closely connected. The Maya believed that their rulers were divinely appointed and had the responsibility to communicate with the gods. The rulers acted as intermediaries between the Maya people and the gods and were seen as both political and religious leaders. Religious rituals and ceremonies were an integral part of Maya governance, and decisions made by the rulers were often influenced by religious beliefs and consulted with priests. Thus, the religion and government of the Maya were deeply intertwined in their society.

How did the Aztecs apply their engineering skills to the challenges of living on an island?

The Aztecs applied their engineering skills to the challenges of living on an island through the construction of a system of canals and artificial islands, known as chinampas. The chinampas were created by dredging up lake sediment and piling it onto rafts made of woven reeds, which were then anchored to the lakebed. The Aztecs built these chinampas close to their cities, allowing them to create fertile agricultural land in the midst of the lake.

The canals, on the other hand, acted as a transportation network that allowed goods and people to move easily across the island city. The Aztecs designed and built intricate canal systems, complete with bridges and causeways, to connect different parts of their city and facilitate trade and communication. These canals served not only as transportation routes but also as a means of drainage and flood control.

Overall, the Aztecs' engineering skills enabled them to overcome the challenges of living on an island by creating agricultural land and efficient transportation systems, contributing to the success and prosperity of their civilization.