Compare 364,879; 463,000; and 436,765 using scientific notation. Which number has the least value? (1 point)

A. 4.63 x 10^(5)
B. 364,879
C. 4.36765 × 10^(5)
D. 3.64879 × 10^(5)

In scientific notation, the number is expressed as a product of a number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10 and a power of 10.

364,879 can be written as 3.64879 × 10^(5)
463,000 can be written as 4.63 × 10^(5)
436,765 can be written as 4.36765 × 10^(5)

To compare these numbers, we compare the coefficients (the numbers before the "x 10^") first.

3.64879 is less than 4.63 and less than 4.36765.

Therefore, the number 364,879 (option B) has the least value in scientific notation.