Formualate the agreement form for the new board member of the Technical High School

[Logo of Technical High School]

[School Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]


I, [Board Member’s Name], hereby acknowledge and agree to serve as a board member at Technical High School. I understand and accept the responsibilities and duties associated with this position.

1. Term of Service:
My term of service as a board member will begin on [Start Date] and end on [End Date].

2. Responsibilities and Duties:
As a board member, I understand that my principal responsibilities and duties will include, but are not limited to:
a) Attending all board meetings and actively participating in discussions and decision-making processes.
b) Assisting in the development and implementation of school policies.
c) Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the school's programs and initiatives.
d) Representing the interests of the school and its stakeholders to the wider community.
e) Participating in fundraising activities and supporting the school financially, as able.
f) Adhering to the school's code of conduct and ensuring the highest ethical standards.
g) Maintaining confidentiality regarding sensitive information discussed during board meetings.
h) Collaborating effectively with other board members, school administration, and staff.

3. Commitment:
I acknowledge that serving as a board member at Technical High School requires a significant time commitment, including attending monthly board meetings, committee meetings, and participating in special events. I commit to dedicating the necessary time and effort to fulfill my duties effectively.

4. Conflict of Interest:
I understand that if any potential conflicts of interest arise between my position as a board member and my personal or professional interests, I will disclose them promptly and recuse myself from any related decision-making processes.

5. Fundraising and Financial Contributions:
As a board member, I acknowledge the importance of fundraising for the success of Technical High School. I will actively participate in fundraising activities and make a personal financial contribution annually, according to my ability.

6. Termination of Service:
I understand that my service as a board member may be terminated:
a) At the end of my term.
b) If I fail to fulfill my responsibilities and duties outlined in this agreement.
c) If I engage in misconduct or actions inconsistent with the best interests of the school.

7. Amendment and Termination of Agreement:
This agreement may be amended or terminated by mutual agreement or by providing a thirty (30) day written notice.

By signing below, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.

Board Member's Signature: _______________________ Date: _________
Printed Name: _______________________

Technical High School Representative: _______________________ Date: _________
Title: _______________________

Note: A copy of this agreement form will be provided to the board member for their records.

[End of Agreement Form]