What does diacope mean? (1 point)

• a two-part sentence in which the second part is a mirror image of the first
• the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of sentences
• the repetition of a word or phrase in the middle of sentences
• the stating of two opposite ideas using the same grammatical structure

The stating of two opposite ideas using the same grammatical structure

are you sure

I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is: the repetition of a word or phrase in the middle of sentences.

elect the correct answers from the lists. (1 point)

Authors use ____ or the art of using language to persuade, to advance a particular purpose or point of view.

a. anaphora
b. rhetoric
c. techniques
d. questions

The correct answer is: b. rhetoric

are you sure

Yes, I am sure. The correct answer is b. rhetoric. Rhetoric refers to the art of using language effectively and persuasively in order to convey a particular purpose or viewpoint.