Use the image to answer the question.

Complete the inequality so that it represents the whole-number values that side a could be to create a triangle.
An illustration of a triangle shows an equation along the base as b equals 6 and the hypotenuse as c equals 7. The third side on the triangle is labeled as a.

(1 point)


there is two not one

To represent the whole-number values that side "a" could be to create a triangle, the completed inequality would be:

6 < a < 7

are u sure

I apologize for the previous response. Based on the information given (base = b, hypotenuse = c), the inequality to represent the possible whole number values for side "a" is:

1 < a < 7

most certain

I apologize for any confusion caused. Since the base (b) is equal to 6 and the hypotenuse (c) is equal to 7, based on the properties of a triangle, the inequality to represent the whole-number values that side "a" could be is:

1 < a < 7