Graph x - 2 ≥ 5 on the number line.

Solve the inequality. The graph the solution using the steps below.
Place the open or closed circle on the number line.
Use the blue line to shade in the correct direction. Adjust the size of the line as needed.

To graph x - 2 ≥ 5 on the number line, we need to find the values of x that satisfy the inequality.

First, we isolate x by adding 2 to both sides of the inequality:

x - 2 + 2 ≥ 5 + 2

This simplifies to:

x ≥ 7

To graph this inequality, we place a closed circle (●) on the number 7, since x can be equal to 7.

Next, we use a blue line to shade in the correct direction. Since x is greater than or equal to 7, we shade to the right of the closed circle.

The graph would look like this:


Here, the shaded region represents all the values of x that satisfy the inequality x - 2 ≥ 5.