What number can replace x to show the Disruptive Property 7 (2+4)=14+x?

To show the disruptive property in this equation, we need to find a number that, when added to the sum of 2 and 4, gives the same result as multiplying 7 by this sum.

Using the disruptive property, we know that (2 + 4) multiplied by 7 should equal (2 multiplied by 7) plus (4 multiplied by 7).

So, we have:
(2 + 4) * 7 = 2 * 7 + 4 * 7
6 * 7 = 14 + 28
42 = 42

To find the number that can replace x in the equation, we use the disruptive property to balance the equation:
(2 + 4) * 7 = 14 + x

6 * 7 = 14 + x
42 = 14 + x

To isolate x, we subtract 14 from both sides:
42 - 14 = x
28 = x

Therefore, the number that can replace x to show the disruptive property is 28.