Differentiate between the following action word as used in an examination paper.


The action words "illustrate" and "identity" can have different meanings and requirements when used in an examination paper.

1. Illustrate:
- When the word "illustrate" is used in an examination paper, it generally means that the student should provide a visual representation or example to clarify or demonstrate a concept or idea.
- It requires the student to create a diagram, chart, graph, or drawing to support or explain their answer.
- The answer should be predominantly visual, using illustrations to enhance the understanding of the topic or question.

Example: "Illustrate the process of photosynthesis by drawing a labeled diagram."

2. Identity:
- When the word "identity" is used in an examination paper, it usually refers to the act of recognizing or determining the nature, characteristics, or components of something.
- It requires the student to describe, recognize, or define the given object or concept.
- The answer should focus on providing specific details or characteristics that differentiate the given object or concept from others.

Example: "Identity the different parts of a plant cell and explain their functions."

In summary, "illustrate" requires a visual representation or example, while "identity" requires recognizing or describing the specific details or characteristics of a given object or concept.