Compare the ways the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca Empires considered women to be different from other genders

The Mayan, Aztec, and Inca Empires had distinct cultural practices and beliefs when it came to gender roles and the status of women. While there were some similarities and differences among these empires, here are some key points to compare their views on women:

1. Mayan Empire:
- Women held important roles in Mayan society, both in the political and religious domains.
- Women could become queens, rulers, and even the head of states.
- They were also involved in economic activities like weaving and trading.
- Mayan women had independent legal rights, including the ability to own property and make legal contracts.
- Education was available to privileged women, allowing them to become priestesses or scribes.

2. Aztec Empire:
- Aztec society had a clear division of labor and gender roles. Men were generally involved in warfare and agriculture, while women were responsible for households and child-rearing.
- While Aztec women had limited political power compared to Mayans, they could hold important positions in the religious sphere as priestesses and healers.
- They could own and inherit property, make wills, and run businesses.
- However, women's rights and power varied among different social classes, with nobility having more privileges compared to the commoners.

3. Inca Empire:
- Women in Inca society held significant economic and political roles.
- They managed households and agricultural production.
- In terms of political power, noble Inca women could become queens or hold high-ranking positions, but their authority was not as extensive as male rulers.
- Inca women were highly regarded for their weaving skills and were responsible for creating intricate textiles.
- Unlike Mayans and Aztecs, the Incas had a women-only religious cult known as the acllas, which consisted of chosen young women dedicated to religious and state service.

Overall, while all three empires recognized women's contributions and abilities, the status and opportunities for women differed. Mayan women had more political and legal rights, Aztec women had varied rights depending on their social class, and Inca women played significant roles in economic activities and religious dedications.