Look at Caleb Azumah Nelson's interview response about his book (below):

'I wanted to write a book which read like an album, like music, so musicians such as Kendrick Lamar were instrumental in the conception of the book. Photography too – I often feel like when I’m writing, I’m transcribing snapshots of moments I can see.’

He said this about his book 'Open Water'.

To what extent do you see this in his writing?

In his interview response, Caleb Azumah Nelson suggests that he intended for his book, 'Open Water,' to be reminiscent of an album, with influences from musicians like Kendrick Lamar. He also draws a parallel between his writing process and photography, describing it as transcribing snapshots of moments he can visualize.

To evaluate the extent to which this intention is evident in his writing, one would need to analyze the novel itself. Without a direct examination of the book, it is challenging to make a definitive assessment. However, one can speculate on how these influences might manifest in Nelson's writing based on his statements.

If the book reads like an album, it suggests that the narrative structure and overall flow of the story may be designed to evoke a musical experience. This could mean that the chapters or sections are structured in a way that resembles the tracks of an album or that the pacing and rhythm of the writing mirror musical compositions. The use of repetition, motifs, or thematic variations could support this intention as well.

Furthermore, Nelson's mention of photography implies that his writing style may focus on capturing moments, images, or emotions with vivid descriptions. He might prioritize creating a visual experience for the reader and employing techniques such as sensory details, metaphors, and similes to transport them into specific scenes or settings. This focus on visuality could help in delivering a more immersive experience to the readers.

Ultimately, to truly understand the extent to which Nelson's writing parallels an album or photography, one would need to read 'Open Water' and closely analyze its structure, style, and themes. However, based on his comments, it is reasonable to expect that his writing is influenced by the rhythmic qualities of music and the visual aspects of photography.