Service life cycle in background when music plays

The service life cycle in the background when music plays typically follows these stages:

1. onCreate: The service is created when the music player application starts. In this stage, the service is initialized, and any necessary resources are allocated.

2. onStartCommand: When the music is played, the onStartCommand method is triggered. This method is responsible for starting the background playback of the music.

3. onPlay: The music starts playing in the background. This stage can include setting up the media player, preparing the audio file, and starting the playback.

4. onPause: If the user pauses the music or switches to a different application, the onPause method is called. This stage involves pausing the playback and releasing any system resources that are no longer needed.

5. onDestroy: When the music player application is closed or terminated, the onDestroy method is invoked. At this stage, the service is usually stopped, and any remaining resources are cleaned up and released.

These stages of the service life cycle ensure that the music continues to play in the background while allowing the user to control playback and manage system resources efficiently.