using the trends in the periodic table, rank the following atoms in order of increasing electronegativity. k, rb, H

Based on the trends in the periodic table, the electronegativity increases as you move from left to right across a period and from bottom to top within a group.

Here is the ranking of the atoms in order of increasing electronegativity:
1) K (Potassium): Located in Group 1 (Alkali metals) which generally have low electronegativity values.
2) Rb (Rubidium): Also located in Group 1 (Alkali metals) but higher in atomic number than Potassium, thus having slightly higher electronegativity than K.
3) H (Hydrogen): Although its location in the periodic table is not as straightforward since it's not a typical metal or nonmetal, hydrogen generally has higher electronegativity values than alkali metals. Therefore, it has the highest electronegativity among the three atoms listed.