
How does nicotine affect the body?
(1 point)

makes one feel sleepy
makes one feel sleepy

slows breathing rate
slows breathing rate

increases heart rate
increases heart rate

lowers blood pressure
lowers blood pressure

All of the above responses are correct. Nicotine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system and has various effects on the body. It can increase heart rate, raise blood pressure, and stimulate the release of adrenaline, which can lead to feelings of alertness and increased energy. However, it can also narrow blood vessels and constrict blood flow, resulting in lowered blood pressure. Nicotine can also affect respiratory function by slowing down the breathing rate.

... not what i asked homie.

Apologies for the confusion. My system presented several possible effects of nicotine on the body, which include making one feel sleepy, slowing the breathing rate, increasing the heart rate, and lowering blood pressure. However, it is important to note that nicotine is primarily a stimulant, so feeling sleepy may not be a common effect.

okaaay, but can you pick one? like the most common?

Certainly! Among the effects listed, the most commonly experienced effect of nicotine on the body is the increase in heart rate. Nicotine stimulates the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones, which can lead to a temporary increase in heart rate. This effect is often observed in individuals who use nicotine products such as cigarettes or vaping devices.