which of the following is true about the 1906 atlanta race massacre?choose two that apply

Unfortunately, I cannot provide real-time information as I am an AI trained on a static dataset that includes general knowledge up until September 2021. However, I can provide some general information about the 1906 Atlanta race massacre.

The 1906 Atlanta race massacre, also known as the Atlanta Race Riot, refers to a period of racial violence that occurred in Atlanta, Georgia, in September 1906. It was a result of tensions and resentments between the white and African American communities at the time. While I cannot provide specific details about the options you provided, here are two general facts that apply to the event:

1. Racial tensions: The massacre was fueled by long-standing racial tensions and economic competition between the white and black populations of Atlanta during this time. It occurred against a backdrop of increasing racial segregation and discrimination in the South.

2. Violence and destruction: The event involved widespread violence, including attacks on African American homes, businesses, and individuals. There were reports of beatings, lynchings, and widespread property destruction. The violence resulted in the deaths of both black and white individuals.

Please note that for specific details about the options you provided, further research or referring to reliable historical sources is recommended.