Bratton argues that these disciplines are more necessary than ever in our world.

Bratton argues that disciplines such as philosophy, sociology, and political science are more necessary than ever in our world due to several reasons:

1. Complex societal issues: As our society becomes increasingly complex and interconnected, understanding the underlying causes and dynamics of various social issues has become essential. Disciplines like sociology and political science provide the necessary frameworks and tools to analyze and address these issues effectively.

2. Technological advancements: With the rapid advancement of technology, our world is constantly changing. Disciplines like philosophy help us navigate the ethical dilemmas and implications that arise from these advancements. They allow us to critically examine the impact of technology on our lives and ensure it aligns with our values and principles.

3. Global challenges: Global problems such as climate change, inequality, and political unrest require multidisciplinary approaches. Philosophy helps us tackle ethical questions related to climate justice, while political science provides insights into international relations and diplomacy. These disciplines contribute to a comprehensive understanding of global challenges and inform strategies to address them.

4. Critical thinking and problem-solving: The modern world is inundated with information and misinformation. Disciplines like philosophy and sociology foster critical thinking skills, enabling individuals to evaluate arguments, analyze data, and make informed judgments. Political science equips individuals with the ability to navigate complex political systems and make sound policy decisions.

5. Cultural understanding and diversity: In a world that is becoming increasingly diverse, understanding different cultures, perspectives, and social dynamics is crucial. Sociology and political science provide insights into societal structures, power dynamics, and the impact of culture on individuals and communities. Philosophy fosters open-mindedness and encourages individuals to question their own assumptions and biases.

In conclusion, Bratton argues that these disciplines are more necessary than ever in our world due to their ability to tackle complex societal issues, navigate technological advancements, address global challenges, develop critical thinking skills, and foster cultural understanding and diversity.